The Integrated Electronic Circuit MC68681P is a dual receiver asynchronous transmitter or Dual Universal Synchronous Receiver Transmitter (DUART). This integrated circuit is a part of and belong to the family of M68000 family processor with an asynchronous bus structure because of the compatible internal logic system required at the interrupt logic and two independent channel communications with 6-bit parallel input and 8-bit parallel output technology. 

MC68681P Integrated Circuit 

MC68681P Integrated Circuit function and equivalent transmission properties are unique with similar and some major difference of switching logic circuits used for the high voltage regulation input signals. 

The programmable data output and input functions correspond to adjustable functions that lead to the individual status capability and dales start bit conditions. MC68681P is a highly durable and TTL compatible Integrated Circuit with single power supply of +5V. 

Key Features of MC68681P: 

  1. Automatic wakeup and multi drop functional application 
  2. 16-bit programmable counter and timer 
  3. MC68681P Integrated circuit comes with a versatile interrupt system 
  4. False and start bit detection condition for fast switching circuit 
  5. Single load power supply +5V
  6. Automatic echo functionality with loop feedback remote function 

MC68681P Pinout Configuration and specifications: 

The 40 Pin layout pinout configuration of MC68681P is shown in the figure below with respective terminal specification and layout configuration. Each terminal of the IC performs a different specified output function which is programmed. 

MC68681P Pinout Configuration

As shown in the figure below, the Integrated Circuit is highly compatible and fits exactly with compact size and performs switching speed ultimate speed power applications. The Independent communications channels followed buffer stages with interrupted power supply switching elements and DUART input ports. 

MC68681P Overview

The signal description and power automation of the circuit leads to the dual property and variable. 

Applications of MC68681P: 

As shown in the figure below MC68681P Integrated Circuit is used in the applications of minicomputer power automation and programming counters. 

MC68681P mini computer application

  1. The Integrated Circuit MC68681P is also used in counter circuit 
  2. Information and adjustable memory allocation registers
  3. Addressing modes allocation 
  4. And wide range of electronic devices 

MC68681P Alternatives/Replacement/Substitute/Complementary

If you are unable to get the Integrated Circuit chip MC68681P then you can also use the replacement, substitute or an alternative of MC68681P which shows similar function and thermal specifications of MC68681P. 

The substitute or an alternative of IC MC68681P is MC68681

Equivalent Part Number of MC68681P: 

The equivalent part number of MC68681P is SCC68681

Data sheet of MC68681P


The Integrated electronic circuit chip MC68681P is used in a wide range of power application and toggling interrupt registers and counter state electronic devices.