Quantity   Component name
4 × 10F 2.7V Capacitor (Can be replaced with battery of 5-6V)
1 × 555 Timer DIP IC & (optional) socket
2 × 3.3K Resistor
1 × 10uF Capacitor
1 × 0.1uF Capacitor
1 × PN2222A Transistor
3 × 4.7K Resistor
5 × Bright LEDs (Vf about 3V, Note: current may exceed 20-30ma)
1 × Dual-axis Joystick Module (I used a de-soldered KY-023)
1 × SPST switch (Diameter of thread should be less than 5mm, length of at least 3mm)
1 × 5mm Red LED
1 × Four-wire cable (as many feet as needed for your bike) Used to connect the control box to the indicators
6 × M2x6 Screws
1 × Stripboard, hookup wire, and epoxy or double-sided tape