
Status Update #0

A project log for Freeform clock with RGB display!

A fun digital clock, featuring a 6 digit, RGB LED, 7 segment display. Built fully freeform style with brass wire!

tobiasTobias 10/22/2020 at 12:450 Comments

I've been busy with school, and I'm waiting for a new soldering iron (to replace my current 12w one), so this project has been neglected a bit. I currently have have all the components ready to be assembled, just waiting for the new iron!

In the meantime, I'm gradually bending the brass wires as laid out in this plan:

This plan is a product of weeks of procrastination about actually getting started on the physical project.

Anyway, this is what the brass wire looks like:
I'll post another update when I finish with the wire bending, and will hopefully have a soldering iron to finally assemble this project! Cya then!
