
PyBot SCARA Robotic Arm (3D printed + Python)

OPEN SOURCE / 3D printed robot. Arduino M0 based and created using common elements from the Makers/ 3D printers World.

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Robot frame total height: 270 mm.
Nº of axis: 3 (arm) + 2 (clamp)
Working height with the clamp mounted: 145 mm
Arm (extended) length: 24 cm
Working area: 1190 cm2
Horizontal max. speed: 220 mm/s
Vertical max speed: 55 mm/s
Total Weight: 2120 grams
Repeatability (mm): 0.4 mm
Maximum Payload Capacity (arm extended) = approx. 150 g
Range of motion per axis: Arm: ~190° Forearm: ~280°
Driving motors: 3x NEMA17 1.8° stepper motor
Gripper / Actuator drivers: 2x SG90 /MG90 / MG92R servos

This pyBot (SCARA type) Robotic Arm has been designed with five conditioning factors in mind:

  1. Making it “printable” with any 3D printer in the market no matter its capabilities or limitations
  2. Use common elements of the MAKER / 3D printer World
  3. Easy to set-up, OPEN and well documented.
  4. Python code controlled
  5. Fun, versatile and easy to modify
With a good motor control algorithm, even with the arm completely extended, the SCARA Robotic arm can achieve a 0.2 mm repeatability accuracy.
Using a LEAP motion sensor to control two Pybot Robotic Arms.
Fast and precise
We have written a Python control APP to make everything easier (includes Google Blocky control)
Good repeteability and precision


Using gcode to draw

MPEG-4 Video - 4.23 MB - 10/16/2020 at 14:50


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