
Reflow Oven

A smart reflow oven with a nice user interface (lvgl), powered by an ESP32.

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A smart reflow oven with a nice user interface (lvgl), powered by an ESP32.


A modern oven with all parts integrated within the oven body.


User interface (LVGL)

Rotary encoder input

Round IPS LCD (GC9A01 Controller)

PT100 Temperature Sensor connected to MAX31865

PID Temperature Control

Automatic door control (LX-16A Servo with encoder)


A 1000 Watt Toaster Oven costing only 39 SGD (29 USD) was used, some modifications to the oven was made to mount the servo motor and SSR, but the front panel was untouched, one of the original knobs was also reused.

5V power was provided by a PSU from 220V.

An ESP32 development board (off the shelf), MAX31865 breakout board was enclosed in an box within the oven. 

A 3D printer was used to print a part that would secure the rotary encoder onto the front panel.

Insulation was provided by carbon felt but efficacy was not tested.

View all 7 components

View project log

  • 1
    General Build Instructions

    Warning, this project involves working with potentially lethal high voltage wiring, know what you are doing.

  • 2
    Selecting a suitable oven

    I went with a cheap toaster oven with quartz tubes on the top and bottom.

    Heater rated power

    1000W was sufficient due to the small volume of the oven.

    Front panel

    You may select an oven with similar front panel to avoid having to cut anything. The software is optimised for a round display. 

    Automatic door mechanism

    If you would like the automatic door mechanism, whether it can be easily done will vary between ovens. For my type of oven, the door is connected to the internal part of oven. Hence, it was easily to integrate without resorting to external mechanisms; outside of the oven's body.

  • 3
    Purchasing other parts


    Purchase the display pcb extension and receiver set if you're intending to use a similar display setup as mine.


    Purchase the components according to the bill of materials (Incomplete)

View all 8 instructions

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Jakob wrote 10/10/2022 at 21:41 point

Very awesome project, I'm doing something similar and just have a question about what your approach was for the UI? Did you design it by code, use emulator or GUI editor that generated the code? 

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Miroslav Zuzelka wrote 10/10/2022 at 21:51 point

This is not my project, but I think code for the display was not generated. I would recommend check out SquareLine Studio for LVGL if you want to use this library 😉

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Jakob wrote 10/11/2022 at 08:16 point

I have, but I don't understand how it's really usable as it's lacking almost all UI widgets. 

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maksimkudinov wrote 11/16/2020 at 08:02 point

hello, and the diagram and code can be seen

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HX2003 wrote 01/15/2021 at 16:50 point

Some basic instructions and firmware has been uploaded.

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Dan Maloney wrote 11/04/2020 at 17:34 point

I've been meaning to build one of these. Any chance you'll be posting more information?

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HX2003 wrote 11/13/2020 at 08:09 point

I definitely will in time. As of now, I have not tested it with actual solder paste yet.

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HX2003 wrote 01/15/2021 at 16:50 point

Some basic instructions and firmware has been uploaded.

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