Few days ago the great folks at Elegoo sent me a nice 37 sensor kit in v2.0.
It includes :
- A double voltage power supply
- Temperature and Humidity Module
- DS18B20 Temperature Sensor Module
- Button Switch Module Switch Module
- IR Receiver and Emission Module
- Active Buzzer Module
- Passive Buzzer Module
- Laser Module
- SMD RGB Module and RGB Module
- Photo-Interrupter Module
- Two Color LED Module
- Light Dependent Resistor Module
- Large Microphone Module and Small Microphone Module
- Reed Switch Module
- Digital Temperature Module
- Linear Magnetic Hall Sensor Module
- Flame Sensor Module
- Touch Sensor Module
- Seven-Color Flash LED Module
- Joystick Module
- Line Tracking Module
- Obstacle Avoidance Module
- Rotary Encode Module
- LCD Display
- Ultrasonic Sensor Module
- GY-521 Module
- HC-SR501 PIR Sensor
- Water Level Detection Sensor Module
- Real Time Clock Module
- Keypad Module
Also, a mini CD contains tutorials, datasheets and code example.
It’s very complete.