
Syncing in the kitchen

A project log for Atomic Synchronator => TicTacSync

Beyond '67 SMPTE timecode: YaLTC is a new GPS based AUX syncing track format for dual-system sound based on affordable hardware

raymond-lutzRaymond Lutz 10/14/2021 at 13:170 Comments
For now enjoy this dual-system sound demo. Stay tuned for a multicam demo with Olive and OpenTimelinIO

Here is the camera recording: image + sync signal (fingers sound is absent, remember: this is a dual system sound set-up):

This is the ZOOM H4n Pro recorder tracks. Note the thin spikes in the right channel (the yellow ovals): they are the sync pulses from the GPS, straight on the UTC second (the left channel are the fingers snipping). Those sync spikes are present in the movie too (by construction)

Postprocessing with, aligning the spikes in the audio recorder file with those in the camera file:
$ dualsoundsync /media/shooting_files_rep

scanning rushes_folder
splitting audio from video...
splitting audio R and L channels
trying to decode YaLTC in audio files
1 of 4: nope
2 of 4: ZOOM_Rchan.wav started at 2021-10-13 01:45:08.263145+00:00
3 of 4: nope
4 of 4: fuji_a_Lchan.wav started at 2021-10-13 01:45:14.361967+00:00
looking for time overlaps forming pairs...
joining back synced audio to video: dualsoundsync/synced/fuji.mp4

Tadaam, fuji.mp4 automagically synced!
