First install Lightburn

I used the 30 day trial, because I was not sure if this works out. 

First the basic communication

  1. Connect the Anycubic via USB. 
  2. Create a new device based on the "Marlin" firmware
  3. Set space to 210x130
  4. Use USB/Serial port (ttyUSB0)
  5. Test the communication by pressing the Home Button in the "Laser" tab

Setup the Z-Axis setting

  1. Go to the Device Settings
  2. Enable Z axis
  3. Enable Pointer Offset and set it to Y = 80
  4. Add start GCocde "G1 Z50", this is the focus point of the laser

Setup Laser

The Anycubic uses special Laser commands to turn on the laser:

G6 S0 - 0% laser

G6 S100 - 100% laser

  1. Device Settings using M106 M107 control commands
  2. Set S-Value max to 100
  3. save gcode file
  4. Add a G4 P0 (wait 0) before each G6 command, otherwise the command will be executed directly when sent over serial. 
  5. Replace M106 with G6 in gcode file
  6. sed -i -e '/M106/i G4 P0' -e 's/M106/G6/' filename 
  7. Use "RunGCode" with the file, prepared to use with Anycubic

That's it. Would be nice when Lightburn would support the Anycubic Mega Pro from scratch, I think I would then buy the software, because it is neat. I will try some things the next days. 

I created a page with lightburn settings: