

DIY Electronic Musical Instrument

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O'Scamp is a DIY electronic musical instrument designed to be built in a workshop with others.

Brief description:
Build a 9 volt audio oscillator and amplifier which can be controlled with light
It can be built in an afternoon.
This workshop assumes no knowledge of electronics.
An introduction to components is included.
No soldering required.

Workshop Outline:
Demonstration of practical use.
Introduction to electronic components.
Construction of circuit.
Exploration, experimentation, customisation, deviation.
Testing and trouble shooting.

Who is it for:
DIY noise enthusiasts,
budding audio technicians,
experimental music producers,
anyone interested in goofing about with electronic sound.

O'Scamp v1 worksheet 020219.pdf

workshop worksheet

Adobe Portable Document Format - 267.26 kB - 01/18/2021 at 10:19


  • 1 × LM386 Audio ICs / Audio Amplifiersamplifier
  • 1 × 40106 Passive Filters / Telecomoscillator
  • 2 × 220r Electronic Components / Misc. Electronic Componentsresistor
  • 1 × 0.1uf capacitor
  • 1 × LED Fiber Optics / Emitterslight emitting diode

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