
nRF52820 Keypad

A small keypad built around nRF52820, using both USB and BLE HID interfaces for wired or wireless usage.

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The newer nRF5282x series have onboard USB that support HID! I've been wanting a device like this for a while so I'm building a wire/wireless mini-keypad.

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crun wrote 02/11/2021 at 19:45 point

I'd like a use for my little Nordic 52840 usb dongle. There is ZeptoForth binary for 52840. [also clone of the usb dongle. ]

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crun wrote 02/10/2021 at 21:30 point

Are you going to derive from QMK? (so it can use the same configurators and so on)

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morgan wrote 02/10/2021 at 21:41 point

Probably not, I've not had a very good experience with QMK so far and it won't support a couple features I want. Does it even support BLE HID? My general thinking now is I'm going to use CircuitPython and probably have to write a custom module for the BLE HID part.

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morgan wrote 02/11/2021 at 23:23 point

Cool! Will definitely give that a look once I've got a board for this.

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