
Parts Arrival!

A project log for NOMAD Quadrupedal Robot

Medium-sized 12-DOF Quadruped Robot inspired by MIT Cheetah and Boston Dynamics Spot Mini

implemented-roboticsImplemented Robotics 02/18/2021 at 00:010 Comments

Shipment has arrived from China!  Includes several parts that I didn't feel like allocating resources/time to machine in my shop and the prices were very fair.

What's in the package?  

- Lower leg part

- Knee Sprocket (14T)

- Driver Sprocket (10T)

- Molded Rubber Foot 

- Knee Shafts

- Custom sized 1mm thick shims (These are very hard to find off the shelf.  Can be 3d printed as well)

Time to move forward on leg construction!
