
Solar Charger - Testing the prototype

A project log for Roadwork Warning Lamp Solar Power Station

Hacking a roadwork warning lamp into a solar power station

tiefpunkttiefpunkt 04/29/2021 at 10:120 Comments

While the code is still in progress, and the prototype remains in its not-quite-there-yet breadboard form, I got one great piece of test gear: A watt meter. Basically a fancy multimeter thing that measures voltage and current, and calculates the amount of power passing though. I've been using it here to measure the power coming in from the solar panel, and on good days, I've been getting up to 4W into the solar charger prototype and the battery behind it.

There are a few things I realized while doing this:

The next steps now are going to be:

However, there's another project that'll need my attention in the meantime, so looks like this will have to wait for a week or three.
