
PWM working

A project log for Portable 100W led flashlight

A monster flashlight containing a 100W 8500Lm led with big heatsinks and batteries. With morse function to tell the night goodbye.

yannick-gigawipfYannick (Gigawipf) 07/08/2014 at 16:241 Comment

Almost all components are now stuffed into the case. Still looks awful but works great. 

Cooling and PWM control are working fine.

Next steps: cleaner wiring, making use of the switch and screwing banana plugs for power in and replacing the old power socket with the volt/amp meter.


Rawliquid wrote 07/22/2014 at 07:49 point
I don't suppose you would elaborate some on how you connected the pwm control? I have a couple of these sitting around waiting for me to figure that out...
I would also be interested in checking out the reflector kit as I got mine too hot trying to cut it and ended up scorching it.

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