

A ESP32 controlled Wristmounted Smartwatchlike device

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Using an ESP32 TTGO T-Display an Accelometer missbuy, a Rotary Encoder and some perfboard (for now) i've build (and am building) a wearable Computer System.

The Brain of the operation is an ESP32, on a TTGO T-Display Devboard, programmed in the Arduino IDE.

For Sensors the system has an BMA280 accelerometer, that, once implemented will deactivate the display to save Power.
This accelerometer caused me a few Headaches, due to the fact that it seems to not have an Arduino Libary, and the official Bosch libary is about 1000 times harder to use that the typical Adafruit libaries

Control over the device is over a rotary encoder and the two buttons on the Devboard.

It also has a MicroSD-Card slot (wich currently doesnt work, because the Display uses the default SPI-bus, and i dont know how the SD libary actually works)

Eventualy it should be able to do a number of things, such as a FTP-server offering up the Files of the MicroSD card or Dataloggig.

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