BioAmp EXG Pill can be used for projects like,
- AI-assisted congestive heart failure detection using CNN (ECG).
- Heart Rate Variability calculation for heart ailments detection (ECG).
- Prosthetic arm (servo) controller (EMG).
- Palsy physical therapy quantitative analysis device (EMG).
- Real-time game controller (EOG).
- Controlling LED with Brain waves (EEG).
- Patient monitoring device.
The BioAmp EXG Pill can be used in a variety of ways, the YouTube video below shows a potential way of using v0.7 of BioAmp EXG Pill.
A lot has improved in terms of interference rejection and flexibility of using BioAmp EXG Pill from v0.7 to v1.0 and the YouTube video below shows the ECG, EMG, EOG, and EEG recording using that.
BioAmp EXG Pill uses only one TL074H from Texas Instruments, for the internal workings of our BioAmp take a look at the schematic diagram shown below,
History of the BioAmp EXG Pill
It was started as a project for recording EMG signals only (from v0.1 to v0.6) but after dozens of prototypes and countless experiments, BioAmp EXG Pill (from v0.7 to v1.0) was born. All the BioAmp EMG Pill designs were prototyped at home with a toner transfer method and the v0.7 perfect purple PCBs were generously provided by OSHPark.
The BioAmp EXG Pill v1.0 is 57% smaller in size in comparison to BioAmp EMG Pill v0.1 and has better signal acquisition capabilities than all the versions before that. The project is at the beta stage of its development. The v1.0b PCBs will be of Black masking with ENIG finish from PCBWay. We are testing both glossy black and matt black PCBs from them.
Que trabalho fantástico, meus parabéns, não sou dessa área porém já vou tentar replicar-lo, pois fiquei curiosa quanto ao EMG.