Onboard Programmers are great

On microcontroller development boards (such as ST Nucleo Boards) it's very handy to have an integrated JTAG programmer/debugger. If you would like to build your own board with an embedded programmer, things get a bit tricky.
In the case of the STMicroelectronics® popular ST-Link V2.0/V2.1 there are lots of clones out there, e.g. from eBay/AliExpress.
The maximum programming speed of those is 4 MHz. For larger projects, this can cause long upload times of up to a minute, which is not very pleasant while debugging a system. 
The "new" ST-Link V3 does not have this issue and provides a Full-Speed USB interface, which leads to an upload speed of 24 MHz!

No ST-Link V3 clones available

In my latest project, I would like to implement an embedded ST-Link V3, but I couldn't find any resources of other people who have done that already.
Therefor, I've started reverse engineering things and created a proof of concept in the form of an external ST-Link V3 prototype.
Instead of developing only a cloned ST-Link V3, I decided to build a custom ST-Link V2 programmer in addition.
My goal was, that they share the same physical dimensions and are easily exchangeable.

Hardware Design

As reference for designing my own hardware, I used schematics of ST Nucleo boards:

ST-Link V2.1: NUCLEO-32 STM32G0 (MB1455)

ST-Link V3.0: NUCLEO-144 STM32H7 (MB1363)

Some pins of the onboard programmer are sadly not shown in this schematic. Luckily, some other guys on the EEV-Blog did already some reverse engineering of the pinout of the ST-Link V3 (EEV-Blog). Here is what they've come up with:

CN3-1            VDD            
CN3-2            PA14 (SWCLK)            
CN3-3            GND            
CN3-4            PA13 (SWDIO)            
CN4-1            GND            
CN4-2            nRST            
CN5-2            PB14            (USB DM)      
CN5-3            PB15            (USB DP)      
1                PB11            Bridge UART RX(1)       -> RX signals are inputs for STLINK-V3MODS, outputs for target.
2                PD11            Bridge UART CTS      
3                PD12            Bridge UART RTS      
4                PH7             T_JTMS/T_SWDIO      
5                PG5             GNDDetect(2)      
6                PC7             T_JTDO/T_SWO(3)      
7                PA9             Bridge SPI CLK      
8                GND             GND      
9                PA11            Bridge CAN RX(1)      
10               PA12            Bridge CAN TX(4)      
11               PC10            Bridge UART TX(4)       -> TX signals are outputs for STLINK-V3MODS, inputs for target.
12               PG9             T_VCP_TX      
13               PB3             T_JCLK/T_SWCLK          (SWO)
14               PB4             Bridge SPI NSS      
15               PG14            T_VCP_RX      
16               PB6             Bridge I2C SCL      
17               PB9             Bridge I2C SDA      
18               PE2             Bridge GPIO0      
19               PE4             Bridge GPIO1      
20               PE5             Bridge GPIO2      
21               PE6             Bridge GPIO3      
22               (LoadSW out)    Reserved(5)      
23               PC1             Bridge SPI MISO      
24               GND             GND      
25               PC2             Bridge SPI MOSI      
26               GND             GND      
27               GND             GND      
28               PA1,PF8         T_JTDI/NC(6)      
29               GND             GND      
30                               T_VCC(7)      
31               PA6             T_NRST      
32               PA7             T_SW_DIR      
                 PA0             T_VCC (pin 30), divided down      
Load_EN          PB0             (load_EN (w 10k pulldown)      
OSC 25MHz        PH0 OSC-IN            
(VBUS detect?)   PB1/ADC?        (Vsw divided by (4.7k+2.7k))      
LD1_1            PA10            (through 330 ohm)      
LD1_2            PA10            (through 330 ohm)      
LD1_3            GND            
LD1_4            VDD             3.3V      
LD2                              ST-Link fault           Load-switch Fault
LD3              5V/VBUS?        5V power + resistor


The PCBs have been manufactured and assembled by JLCPCB. All files are available to download below.
To save some production costs, I decided to combine both ST-Link versions on one PCB. They can be separated by breaking at the specified mouse bite holes.

The missing parts are hand placed and soldered with a heat gun.


The firmware of the ST-Link consists of two parts: Bootloader and application code.


The bootloader makes it possible to upgrade the ST-Link firmware via USB and the STM32CubeProgrammer. The bootloader itself doesn't get updated or changed in this process. By running the bootloader code, the JTAG-SWD Readout-Protection gets activated, which means that the firmware can't be dumped later on.
A guy named lujji established to dump the bootloader by uploading a "fake" firmware which sends the whole Flash content via UART. He documented this process on his webpage here.

He reverse engineered the bootloader code and patched out the instructions which activate the Readout-Protection.
All different bootloader variants (protected and unprotected) can be downloaded...

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