
ElecLab F1C200S/100S Linux Board

This board is for 5” 7” HMI applications, with UARTx3, Audio, TF Card slot, USB OTG...

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1. ARM 926EJS 408MHz~600MHz
2. f1c100s 32M DDR, f1c200s 64M DDR
3. SPI Nor Flash, (Support SPI Nand Flash)
4. TF Card (Support SDIO Wifi, Support SD Nand)
5. USB 2.0 OTG
6. 4.3"/5"/7" TFT LCD Interface
7. Capacitive Touchscreen Interface
8. UARTx3
9. PWMx2
10. SPIx2
11. Audio Headphone Socket
12. Linux 5.x, AWTK/LittleVGL
13. BSP on github eleclab-rpi/f1c100s-f1c200s

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Martin Cejp wrote 11/21/2021 at 15:12 point

Hi, this is super cool, are there any schematic/code available?

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