Looking for a good place to get started making your own handheld Raspberry Pi-based emulator? Well you're in luck because this is the right place! One of the hardest things to do as a beginner trying to make something like this is finding all the right resources to actually understand how to make a handheld like this. My goal for this project is to explain every detail as I go along the process. As I am a beginner as well, I will make mistakes along the way, but those mistakes will help me better understand how to explain the process to other beginners.
In this project I will be making a handheld retro game console with the following features
- Raspberry Pi 4 8GB RAM
- Modded Retropie Operating System (Supreme Ultimate)
- Full Xbox-style Controller powered by a Teensy++ 2.0
- Switch to use the joystick and buttons as a mouse for keyboardless desktop access
- 5" Display
- 4500 mAh Lipo Battery
This project will take you along for the whole process of what goes in to making a fully fledged handheld emulation console. I will do my best to explain every detail so even beginners can gain an understanding of how to build their own.
Would I be able to use a pi 3b+ with this project?