Quantity   Component name
1 × Breadboard and wires (male to male) Electronic Components / Misc. Electronic Components
1 × string of 50 WS2811 LED lights exact model can be procured on amazon at : https://www.amazon.com/WESIRI-Diffused-Individually-Addressable-Waterproof/dp/B076VBSB3B/ref=sr_1_6?dchild=1&keywords=5v%2Bws2812%2Bled%2Bstring%2Blights&qid=1602025342&sr=8-6&th=1
1 × USB microphone that is compatible with Linux exact model can be procured on amazon at : https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08F3HXFSG/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
1 × 74AHCT125 level shifter chip
1 × Breadboard-friendly AA battery holder for 4 batteries or some other way to get 5V to your breadboard
1 × Raspberry Pi & peripherals (power supply, SD card,etc.) also keyboard, mouse, monitor if your Pi is not set up for virtual access