
Measuring video latency with an Arduino

A project log for Stereo Ninja

A DIY digital stereo-microscope. Low cost. Open source software and hardware. For electronics inspection, soldering work and more.

andreas-kahlerAndreas Kahler 07/01/2021 at 13:330 Comments

For Stereo Ninja testing we need an easy way to measure latency. A simple way is to put a smart phone with a stopwatch app in front of the camera and then take a photo with both the smart phone and the monitor displaying the smart phone on it. Then simply substract the time stamps shown and then you have the latency:

This kind of works, but the resolution is bad. The smartphone display has a refresh rate not fast enough to update the 10ms digit correctly. There is not even a 1ms digit. And then - because of the exposure time of the cameras - several digits are visible on top of each other, making it rather hard to read the numbers. (The photo shown above is a rather readable example. Note that the photo shows both the left and right eye image superimposed as no shutter glasses were used)

So we wanted something better...


These are the 10 states:

For the realization we used an Arduino Uno with a "multi functional shield" that can be cheaply bought on ebay or aliexpress.

The four 7-segment display are driven by two 74HC595. This allows using high multiplexing rates >1kHz which is a must for this project.

// Display milli seconds for latency measurements on 4-digit 7-segment display
// Written by Andreas and Simon Kahler

// Licensed under the Apache 2.0 license

/* Define shift register pins used for seven segment display */
#define LATCH_DIO 4
#define CLK_DIO 7
#define DATA_DIO 8

#define SW1 A1
#define SW2 A2

/* bits (0=LSB) for segments (1=off 0=on) 
*        0
*       ---
*    5 |   | 1
*       ---
*    4 |   | 2
*       ---
*        3
*   center: 6
*   dot: 7

/* Segment byte maps for numbers 0 to 9 */
const byte SEGMENT_MAP[] = {0xC0,0xF9,0xA4,0xB0,0x99,0x92,0x82,0xF8,0X80,0X90};

/* Segment byte maps for numbers 0 to 9 with dot */
const byte SEGMENT_MAP_WITHDOT[] = {0x40,0x79,0x24,0x30,0x19,0x12,0x02,0x78,0X00,0X10};

/* Segment byte maps for "clock ring 1 digit" */
const byte SEGMENT_MAP_RING[] = {0xFD,0xFB,0xF7,0xEF,0xDF,0xFE};
/* Segment byte maps for "clock ring 2 digit, right and left" */
const byte SEGMENT_MAP_RING2R[] = {0xFE,0xFD,0xBF,0xFB,0xF7,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF};
const byte SEGMENT_MAP_RING2L[] = {0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xF7,0xEF,0xBF,0xDF,0xFE};

const byte SEGMENT_EQ = 0xB7; // =
const byte SEGMENT_D = 0xA1; // d

/* Byte maps to select digit 1 to 4 */
const byte SEGMENT_SELECT[] = {0x01,0x02,0x04,0X08};
byte mode = 1;
byte multiplier = 10;

void setup ()
  /* Set DIO pins to outputs */
  pinMode(SW1, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(SW2, INPUT_PULLUP);

/* Main program */
void loop()
  if (digitalRead(SW1)==LOW)
  if (digitalRead(SW2)==LOW)
  long i = millis() / multiplier;
  /* Update the display with the current counter value */
  switch (mode)
    case 0: // 4 digits
      WriteNumberToSegment(0 , SEGMENT_MAP[(i/1000)%10]);
      WriteNumberToSegment(1 , SEGMENT_MAP[(i/100)%10]);
      WriteNumberToSegment(2 , SEGMENT_MAP[(i/10)%10]);
      WriteNumberToSegment(3 , SEGMENT_MAP[i%10]);
    case 1: // 1 ring + 2 digits
      WriteNumberToSegment(0 , SEGMENT_MAP[(i/100)%10]);
      WriteNumberToSegment(1 , SEGMENT_MAP[(i/10)%10]);
      WriteNumberToSegment(2 , SEGMENT_MAP_RING2L[i%10]);
      WriteNumberToSegment(3 , SEGMENT_MAP_RING2R[i%10]);
    case 2: // 2 rings
      WriteNumberToSegment(0 , SEGMENT_MAP_RING2L[(i/10)%10]);
      WriteNumberToSegment(1 , SEGMENT_MAP_RING2R[(i/10)%10]);
      WriteNumberToSegment(2 , SEGMENT_MAP_RING2L[i%10]);
      WriteNumberToSegment(3 , SEGMENT_MAP_RING2R[i%10]);

void sw1Pressed()
    case 1: multiplier = 3; break;
    case 3: multiplier = 10; break;
    case 10: multiplier = 30; break;
    default: multiplier = 1;
  for (int i=0; i<1000; ++i)
      WriteNumberToSegment(0 , SEGMENT_MAP[1]);
      WriteNumberToSegment(1 , SEGMENT_EQ);
      WriteNumberToSegment(2 , SEGMENT_MAP[(multiplier/10)%10]);
      WriteNumberToSegment(3 , SEGMENT_MAP[multiplier%10]);    

void sw2Pressed()
    case 0: mode = 1; break;
    case 1: mode = 2; break;
    default: mode = 0;
  for (int i=0; i<1200; ++i)
      WriteNumberToSegment(0 , SEGMENT_D);
      WriteNumberToSegment(1 , SEGMENT_EQ);
      WriteNumberToSegment(3 , SEGMENT_MAP[mode]);    

/* Write a decimal number between 0 and 9 to one of the 4 digits of the display */
inline void WriteNumberToSegment(byte Segment, byte Value)
  shiftOut(DATA_DIO, CLK_DIO, MSBFIRST, Value);


Here is a test with a iPhone8 in photo mode ("measurement" photo taken with a DLSR):

With a relatively long exposure time of 30ms on the iPhone and a latency of 100ms a measurement in 1/1000sec mode does not make sense here. But the concept seems to work nicely!

Next step: try it out with the Stereo Ninja!
