Quantity   Component name
1 × Raspberry Pi A+ I tried to update with a Pi Zero but could not get one!
1 × 8 Pin Din Plug
1 × DC to DC Buck Converter Capable fo 5V 2amps min
1 × Roomba I used a Roomba Create
1 × Roomba Dock
1 × Aluminum For Chassis / Platform for Tablet
1 × Android Tablet
1 × Tasker Force Skype to Auto Answer from approved Contacts
1 × Skype For that whole teleprescence thing
1 × PHP For Web Interface
1 × PHP Serial Library So PHP could send signals to the USB to TTL Converter
1 × Lighttpd
1 × WIFI Dongle
1 × USB to TTL Converter To connect the Pi to the Roomba
1 × Inductive Charger to charge tablet
1 × USB Camera Optional, as a hazard camera