

"On Air" light for Zoom and other web meetings.

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We've all had that moment when someone walked in on an important meeting. This has gotten much worse now that we are all work-at-home all the time. And, as we've all learned by now, it's not enough to just close a door.

Enter OnAir, an on-air light that turns on and off with your webcam.

This light turns on and off with your webcam, so the people who share your home office will always know when you busy.

It can also be turned on and off whenever you need some quiet time.

This project will be divided into two phases.

Phase 1 will encompass the basics of the project, or a minimum viable product. It will consist of a usb powered 'on air' light with an ESP8266 and basic code running in python which will detect when the camera is on or off. It will use a power supply.

Phase 2 will add fully wireless connectivity via the ESP8266 and wifi networking, by adding a battery pack that powers the lamp.

  • 1 × LED Lamp Acclaim Lighting B333GR
  • 1 × ESP8266 Wifi controller

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  • 1
    Step 1

    1. Add 'On-Air' vinyl letters to lamp

    2. Replace lamp internals with ESP and add new LED's


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dearuserhron wrote 06/18/2021 at 19:19 point

I am writing my own Video-conferencing tool right now. And I want to implement something like On-Air lamp. Will control it using gpio command-line or such. Need to think about it.

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