
More interrupts

A project log for Merlin

68000 Retro Super Computer

matthew-pearceMatthew Pearce 10/08/2021 at 14:101 Comment

So auto-vector interrupts are now available. 

A tweak to the monitor switches on interrupts by moving $2000 to the stack register.

The 68000 has 7 auto-vectored interrupts which are located at specific addresses in the memory:

#define int1 0x64
#define int2 0x68
#define int3 0x6c
#define int4 0x70
#define int5 0x74
#define int6 0x78
#define int7 0x7c

The cpu expects a 3-bit interrupt number. I have an vhdl interrupt controller which manages the 7 hardware interrupts, provides the 3-bit number and then clears them when the CPU goes into the interrupt acknowledge cycle (FC = 7). 

interrupts: entity work.interrupt_controller
	port map (
		clk => sys_clk,
		reset => n_reset,
		int1 => timer_in1,
		int2 => timer_in2,
		int3 => keyb_int,
		int4 => '0',
		int5 => '0',
	        int6 => '0',
		int7 => '0',
		int_out => int_out,
		ack => auto_iack

auto_iack <= '1' when cpu_fc = "111" else '0';

To provide an interrupt handler the following code will update the memory address contained in these locations.

void setKeyboardHandler(void(*handler)()) {
		"move.l	%0,0x6c":
						: "r" (handler)

	volatile uint32_t *keyb_int = (uint32_t*)int3;

	printf("\r\nKeyboard address = 0x%0lX\r\n", *keyb_int);



An infinite loop can then run and then only be interrupted when the keyboard is pressed on "int3" - this would cause a call to the code located at address 0xF74.


Matthew Pearce wrote 10/08/2021 at 14:18 point

Thanks to the developer of the Mist plus-too project for an indicator on how to deal with the interrupts.

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