
Canon X-07 with PRINTER(to TTL) & VGA Port

Canon X-07 with PRINTER & VGA Port

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Hi, I started to hack my Canon X-07 printer port w/ a ProMini 5v-16MHz Arduino,
Then I retrieve my old Arduino VGAX testing board.

I decided to gather the 2 interfaces in order to make a PRINTER TO VGA Display board.

I'm currently working on a Video Coprocessor to draw LINEs & CIRCLEs on VGA surface (as builtin LCD does)
  • 2 × AT328P Arduino pro mini 5v 16MHz
  • 1 × VGA Female sub DB25 for display side
  • 1 × 1 cutted X-07 printer cable for printer port side
  • 1 × 1 regular DB25 female for printer port side
  • 1 × 1 regular DB25 male for printer port side

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stopmene wrote 09/19/2017 at 17:14 point

hello, you dug into the innards of your canon for recently dug up this unit and try to restore it, in general I have on the keyboard board, there are too many holes, do you have the same?

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