I have just released the new software for the PECS board on GITHUB.
Pecs board_V1.3
- Stop a music file by pressing the same button again.
- Adjust the volume in four steps. Simply press button 1,2,3 or 4 for 2 seconds, until the music file is played as confirmation. 1 stands for silent and 4 for loud.
- The volume setting is stored in the internal EEPROM.
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Many nonverbal pupils, as well as their professors, rely on PECS boards. Token boards, schedule boards, transition boards, first-then boards, and visual communication boards are some of the other names for them. And if you have any difficulties writing Immigration Essays, you may find help on this website: https://www.topessaywriting.org/samples/immigration. This platform can be used to write about any topic, not just immigration.
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