
Arduino Compatible DIY BMS 5S 30A using BQ76920

Arduino Compatible DIY BMS 5S 30A using BQ76920 and BQ77915-06 controller from Texas Instrument, for battery powered DIY projects.

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The BMS will have two versions, BQ76920PW is fully programmable version and BQ7791506PW is a standalone version. I will provide accurate battery protection for high performance battery powered DIY projects such as Solar Energy Storage, Drone, EVs.

150A BMS.png

Design for 100- 150A BMS Board for High Capacity LifePO4 Solar Energy Storage.

Portable Network Graphics (PNG) - 439.09 kB - 08/04/2021 at 12:39


  • 1 × BQ77915 Texas Instrument 5S BMS SoC Controller
  • 1 × BQ76920 Power Management ICs / Battery Management ICs
  • 1 × ATmega 328P Arduino Compatible MCU

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