
Knock Knock - User interface part two

A project log for LoRaLamp AIRQuality

A Desklamp for your "Work from Home" Desk with Air Quality Sensor, LoRa, WiFi, MQTT that reminds you to open your windows for Fresh Air

ulrichUlrich 07/16/2021 at 19:110 Comments

I wa searching the other day for a different AIR Quality Sensor on Aliexpress. And Lucky me: I came across a different Sensor for the User Interface. Thsi should be an addtional sensor to the rotary knob

I was thinking if I could extend my user experience a little bit. I came across this MPU9250+BMP280 Breakout Board.

This enables the following features:

- Knocking Detection (User Action if you knock on the Lamp)

- Activate Lamp by rotation

- Deactivate Lamp be turning the head in any direction 

And the good news again: Same pinout as my Air Quality Sensors that I choosed so far. So easy for stacking the sensors and quick tryouts during development.
