
First woopsie on the PCB

A project log for New PCB For Calculator Watch

I like to call this my smart watch, as it can calculate numbers and show the time

davedarkodavedarko 10/29/2021 at 12:594 Comments

By now I've realised that I forgot to add all the 20 diodes to make the charlie-plexed keyboard function. In the current arrangement there will be no way of telling if I have pressed the button connected to the 1-2 pins, or the 2-1 pins. 

This basically made me choose between upscaling the SAML22 to the version that Joey Castillo is using for his amazing casio F91W replacement boards. I could also try to place twenty diodes all over the board. Or ten and do some crazy "check if both combinations are working or just one" firmware. In the end I used an IO expander that is dedicated to read keyboard matrices, got some TCA8418RTWR on aliexpress, as they're out of stock everywhere else.

Soon I will try to get the UF2 bootloader running on the watch and then start programming it via the USB socket. First I need to cut out room for the plug though :)

Little side note: Joey will soon start a crowdfunding campaign with his awesome project, find it here:

More on the project on the blog:


Russ Bixby wrote 10/30/2021 at 08:59 point

74922/3 FTW

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Xasin wrote 10/29/2021 at 13:03 point


Those kinds of mistakes always suck - they're just past the "I can easily fix this" portion, but still kinda in the "I want to try and get it working" range.

In any case, a dedicated button matrix IC sounds like a decent option. I think I used one once that had a lovely combination of button scanning + seven-segment driving, all in one chip.

Most button ICs should also have an interrupt line, so you could use that to save some power by sleeping the MCU!

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davedarko wrote 10/29/2021 at 13:23 point

sounds like one of those fancy IS51 chips, I think I used one too :) I still have to find out if everything else checks out and only then I will work in the revisions and reorder.

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Xasin wrote 10/29/2021 at 15:04 point

I wouldn't really call it "fancy" 
For some reason, the default I2C address was... 0
The general-call address. And you have to use that 0 address plus a hardware pin to set it to a different address <.<

I also think it didn't have a power-on reset, so sometimes I had to leave it unplugged for a bit longer before it was back to zero...?
It was an odd fella.

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