
Ultima Pandemic Workstation

Wearable system to ensure max comfort and no distractions during the pandemic.

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A wearable RaspberryPI system designed to provide max comfort and ensure efficient remote work during pandemic. It provides a cellphone/screen holder and noise blocking headphones. It also provides wearable keyboard and mouse along with software to make it easier to focus on the tasks at hand.

  • Aims to provide easy access to computer tools to students and remote workers.
  • Second aim is to eliminate distractions by providing productivity software and noise-cancelling/pomodoros tracking systems.
  • Got no SolidWorks nor AutoCAD installed as I got Linux and no license, so made a basic sketch using TinkerCAD. Full version will be built and better defined.

HackADay 2021 - Ultima Pandemic Workstation.stl

Project design schematics using TinkerCAD. Sadly I got no Windows here so no SolidWorks. To solve in second version.

stl-binary - 1.22 MB - 07/19/2021 at 23:47


HackADay 2021 - Ultima Pandemic Workstation.glb

Project design schematics using TinkerCAD. Sadly I got no Windows here so no SolidWorks. To solve in second version.

glb - 365.78 kB - 07/19/2021 at 23:47


HackADay 2021 - Ultima Pandemic

Project design schematics using TinkerCAD. Sadly I got no Windows here so no SolidWorks. To solve in second version.

Zip Archive - 234.52 kB - 07/19/2021 at 23:47


  • 1 × Raspberry PI Microcomputer used to control the hardware and load the software in the system.
  • 1 × Comfort helmet To hold in the screen and provide noise cancellation and massage to the worker.
  • 1 × Screen holder A contraption added to the top of the helmet that holds the screen in place so that people without workstations can watch the screen and adjust angles according to their ergonomic needs.
  • 1 × Portable battery Attached to power the Raspberry PI when disconnected from the power lines. Ideal for working during travel or with limited resources (e.g. power lines failure).
  • 1 × Holder belt To hold the Raspberry PI, batteries and keyboard in place. To be used when working and to hold the keyboard when traveling.

View all 6 components

  • Started project Ultima Pandemic Workstation

    Eng. Angel Arturo Ramírez07/19/2021 at 23:59 0 comments

    Started project and generated a basic schematic of what will be built along with the concept and material requirements.

    This project was inspired on the difficulties my students face when working on their homes as they don't have internet access and no computer to work with. The idea is creating a cheap and easily mass produced alternative they can use to satisfy their work needs.

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Donnie Agema wrote 07/30/2021 at 17:40 point

Rather than trying to argue the point, I suggest you do research on "The Great  Reset", Klaus Schwab and the World Economics Forum,  mRNA patents, Dr. Sam Bailey, Nobel Prize Laureate late Karrie Mullis and the PCR test.  If any of that research does not open your eyes, you are not open to any further argumentation.

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Eng. Angel Arturo Ramírez wrote 07/30/2021 at 23:11 point

Already did, so you got no argument to make and instead of doing something productive about it you decide to whine about it on a project on a diy website. Woopsie do.

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Donnie Agema wrote 07/31/2021 at 05:55 point

As I stated, if your eyes were not opened, you are not receptive to any argumentation. Obviously, you have not accepted any of the evidence provided by the research you have done in the recommended bullets, assuming you actually did any research at all. It is quite conclusive that the PCR Covid test is a global threat scare conspiracy and "The Great Reset" is a global control and enslavement conspiracy. Conspiracy deniers are moving forward rapidly to enslave themselves by denying the horrible truth.  That truth is very easy to see, but none are so blind as those who WILL not see. I am doing many things against it, for example trying to wake up those who still have the ability to do research and think independently. It is a very difficult task, and rarely successful due to the degree of brainwash that the general public has been exposed to as a result of mainstream propaganda and social media censorship. DIY projects are normally done by inventive thinkers who are not afraid of going against the mainstream, so it is a relatively sensible forum for trying to wake people up. Anyone choosing to remain ignorant to the evidence is welcome to do so. Please be tolerant of those who at least try to provide non-political and non-agenda-manipulated information. I did not whine, I simply stated an opinion.

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Eng. Angel Arturo Ramírez wrote 08/03/2021 at 15:54 point

>I do not believe you can decide or determine who is impressed by what. Leave that up others.

Especially with those pathetic excuses for arguments. Not even basic scientific process or logic goes in your head it seems.

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Donnie Agema wrote 07/22/2021 at 06:05 point

It depends upon your definition of what is good. If "good" is anything that the majority of  people consider good, then probably yes. If "good"  refers to what is true, beautiful and everlasting, i.e. the platonic good, then definitely no.

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Eng. Angel Arturo Ramírez wrote 07/30/2021 at 14:22 point

Why? I would love to know your argument.

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Eng. Angel Arturo Ramírez wrote 08/01/2021 at 15:51 point

>As I stated, if your eyes were not opened, you are not receptive to any argumentation

You gave no argument, its on you to prove it not on me. You just linked a bunch of conspiracy links and expect me to believe your insane rants.

>I am doing many things against it, for example trying to wake up those who still have the ability to do research and think independently.

So basically a keyboard warrior not even holding any real arguments. Way to go dude, just wasting other's time in a place not even related to it. Here its for projects, not dumb conspiracy theories and political rants. There's nothing you can do about this pandemic. You lost and you deserve it so keep whining.

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Donnie Agema wrote 08/01/2021 at 19:51 point

I do not need to prove anything. I simply stated my opinion. You can do your own research and come to your own opinions.

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Eng. Angel Arturo Ramírez wrote 08/02/2021 at 17:16 point

>I do not need to prove anything. I simply stated my opinion. You can do your own research and come to your own opinions.

If you're stating something as true its on you to prove it, basic logic dude. You're stating whatever it is you want people to do as "platonic good" and my attempt at improving conditions in this pandemic for many people as "not platonic good". So I asked for your arguments and yet you prefer to go "I know better, do your research" and then backpedaling when you can't even back up your claims? Just a waste of time, no wonder everyone takes your kind as crazies.

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Donnie Agema wrote 08/02/2021 at 17:54 point

Deciding to disregard available information is defined as ignorance. You asked me a question, and I provided information which is relevant to your question.  Karrie Mullis was most certainly not insane. Dr. Sam Bailey is most certainly not insane. I leave it up to you to make your own opinion  concerning Klaus Schwab's sanity. In the ever increasing cancel culture, it is your duty to disregard any information which you do not like.  Carry on.

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Eng. Angel Arturo Ramírez wrote 08/02/2021 at 18:04 point

>Deciding to disregard available information is defined as ignorance.

Of which you provided no argument, you just say "I know better, do your research". That's no way to present it and definitely not productive at all to present it here when its not gonna do any good. Keyboard warriors like you are pathetic.

>You asked me a question, and I provided information which is relevant to your question. 

No just a bunch of links with no argument about why to heed them.

>I leave it up to you to make your own opinion  concerning Klaus Schwab's sanity.

Why would I even waste my time judging them? I can judge what I receive and I only see are the rants of a mandman so I can certainly judge your poor sanity and logic. So yeah carry on and keep whining, your keyboard antics are not impressing anyone.

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Donnie Agema wrote 08/02/2021 at 21:34 point

I do not believe you can decide or determine who is impressed by what. Leave that up others.

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Donnie Agema wrote 07/20/2021 at 07:12 point

my original, but deleted comment: "The perfect step toward Klaus Schwab's Great Reset"

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Eng. Angel Arturo Ramírez wrote 07/22/2021 at 02:22 point

It was an old account so decided to update and deleted it. Was asking and following where we left of, is that a good thing?

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