
First prototype out for production!

A project log for rosco_m68k_pro

An evolution of the rosco_m68k 68000 home-brew computer, this time with a 68030 at (initially) 33MHz and with some advanced peripherals

ross-bamfordRoss Bamford 10/11/2021 at 19:522 Comments

Things are moving pretty fast here, and I recently sent the first prototype rosco_m68k_pro board out for production!

The aim with this is only really to prove out some of the basics of the architecture, and it's missing a lot of stuff that will go on the final boards (such as interchangeable CPU/FPU modules, expansion slots, IDE and lots more), but it will at least prove that the basic 68030 bus architecture works with the programmable logic and that the fundamental design is sound. It'll also prove out the on-board Xosera video adapter (for now on an UPduino, in future boards the FPGA will be on-board too).

That's all for now, I'll update further when I have them back from the fab!


Jrsphoto wrote 01/01/2022 at 08:22 point

I know its not the final board but it's a nice looking board!  Reminiscent of the old Apple 128k PCB.

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Ross Bamford wrote 02/15/2022 at 20:36 point

Thanks :) It's evolved a bit since then (post coming soon) but still has the same "feel" I hope :) 

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