
Thoughts on Display Libraries and Text Rendering

A project log for Hardware Data Logger

Easily extendable data logging platform featuring STM32F103RBTx, WiFi, microSD storage, LCD with four buttons, UART, and pulse counters.

robert-gawronRobert Gawron 11/13/2024 at 20:140 Comments

When I searched for a library to handle the ST7735 display in the project, every link in Google pointed to stm32-st7735. The library itself is simple and easy to use, and it has this nice function in its API (slightly modified example from the author’s blog):

ST7735_WriteString(0, 0, "Hello World", Font_7x10, ST7735_RED, ST7735_BLACK);

This method sets the initial position, text to display, font, and colors, making it easy to display some data and get things started. However, later on, it's easy but not really good:

Fortunately, the library also includes this method:

void ST7735_DrawImage(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t w, uint16_t h, const uint16_t *data);

 With this method, font rendering can be managed directly in the user code and passed through ST7735_DrawImage, so the library doesn’t need to know about it, it just do it's work to ONLY send the buffer to the display's chip

No high level logic not related to being a driver library. For a PC simulation, the entire library can be mocked, making the extraction of display data easy. I have the *data with the pixel content and x and y with the position I can just store this and then present it in my app (see the screenshot in the project description).

Even more, yesterday I found another library (ironically with the same name) for handling this display. It also has a similar method but is written in a much cleaner way. I’ll use it instead but the idea stay the same.
