
First 3D Benchy printed from PLA granules

A project log for Direct Granules Extruder, FDM prints from powder

Waste plastic turned into raw material for 3D printing.

norbert-heinzNorbert Heinz 09/07/2024 at 10:493 Comments

The load cell of the Prusa MK4 is implemented and so bed leveling works fine. Now that larger prints can be carried out, I have made a Benchy:

If you know a granule FDM printer that can make better looking Benchies, leave a comment!


James Newton wrote 09/10/2024 at 04:57 point


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Norbert Heinz wrote 09/10/2024 at 05:53 point

...I've been working on this for several years and all I got is a 'nice' comment. ;-)

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James Newton wrote 09/10/2024 at 19:30 point

Oh, be good. LOL. It had a bang at the end. And its only for this one update. ,o)

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