
Designing with Blender

A project log for Tobi-P, the rabbit robot

A cute, cubic and curious companion with a tilt camera. And a carrot.

jdelbejdelbe 09/27/2021 at 07:460 Comments

This ended up being the longest part of the project, and by far. It is also a proof that with perseverance, one can achieve a lot, even with a rather unfitting tool. I definitely wanted to use Blender though, for its amazing UI (since version 2.8) and rendering capabilities (this is also important).

The case design came unforeseen, long after the components where chosen and the first prototype ready. I thus decided to use this opportunity to do something new and quite ambitious: designing a pleasant 3d-printable case entirely tailored for the existing components, with no reference or prior experience, and all the while still learning to use the software.

On top of it, I had additional objectives:

And the following challenges came as well during the process:

Working with booleans can be cumbersome, but it preserves the meshes

In the end I went for a kind of two-layer solution, one inner structure to hold all the components, and one outer cover for the overall shape and look. This way it is a bit the best of both worlds, and it allows for interesting possibilities: two colours, different densities, objects that are easy to print versus smooth looking ones, etc.
