
Learn Python through Nursery Rhymes & Fairy Tales

Classic stories you know and love- translated into Python code!

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Learn Python programming basics quickly and delightfully with classic nursery rhymes and fairy tales like you've never seen them before- written as computer programs!

When you run this book's Python programs on your computer, you'll see the nursery rhymes and fairy tale stories printed out on your screen! As you turn the pages of this picture book, you will:

- Learn to code with your favorite nursery rhymes and fairy tales translated logically into Python programs
- Enjoy fifteen nursery rhymes and seven fairy tales written in both normal sentences and in Python code
- Be entertained by full-page, whimsical illustrations in premium color that accompany the code
- Gain the knowledge you need to write your own programs

Have fun learning to code through nursery rhymes and fairy tales retold for the 21st century. Get ready for storytime...and coding time!

It will be released on 5/24/22:

Goldilocks code page sample.jpg

Sample code page from Goldilocks and the Three Bears

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Goldilocks illustration.jpg

Accompanying illustration

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luvajanuva wrote 08/25/2023 at 09:31 point

Nice idea for learning Python :) 
Very original!

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mikehikers wrote 08/25/2023 at 09:11 point

Really interesting project!

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timforsythnz5 wrote 12/20/2022 at 18:57 point

Wow, looks fun! Is it for beginners? 

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