
3D View of the Board

A project log for LoRa Bike Light with Indoor Location Estimation

A makeover of a Bike rear light that scans the WiFi Networks in your surroundings, and transmits the Data via LORA

ulrichUlrich 08/22/2021 at 18:470 Comments

Kicad gives you the chance to watch your finished design in a 3D Viewer

This helps me a lot to see issues on the Board before they go to production.

Top Layer of the board:

You might see here that some Labels on the Silk Layer are not that nice and are overlapping. With the 3D viewer in Kicad you may detect this and correct this before you produce your board.

I added in the final design as well a connector for an external Wifi/BLE Antenna. This was done if the Onboard PCB Antenna does not perform that well.

Bottom Side of the Board:

On this side the LoRA WAn Module will be added later on.

You see there as well the Connector J2 is overlapping with the RFM95 outline. I did this on purpose. In my application i will not connect the J2 connector that likely. So i did not care about the violation.
