
PCB Production

A project log for LoRa Bike Light with Indoor Location Estimation

A makeover of a Bike rear light that scans the WiFi Networks in your surroundings, and transmits the Data via LORA

ulrichUlrich 08/22/2021 at 19:000 Comments

No  we need to produce the PCB at a pCB Production site.

PCBs: You may find the Gerber Files here:

Download the GerberZipFiles (V1 or V2) from Github. V2 is optimized for Automatic Placement of parts

Upload these Files to JLCPCB, -> Instructions how to to this can be found e.g.: Here

Choose the color of the PCB and the Material: You may try out new Aluminium PCB for better heat dissipation

Now add SMT production

Upload the two Files you may find in the Folder Place. Here Placing and Orientation of the parts

I by myself only choosed to solder the ESP32 and the Capacitor C7, C8 & Inductor L6 for the Antenna.

All the other components I had in Stock on my desk.

Sent your Order to process and do the payment.

Order your parts for this Project:

You may order your parts at LCSC, Aliexpress or your local electronic parts distributor.
