1PCB Order
Order Your PCBs at JLC PCB
You may find Gerber Files here:
once uploaded Select SMT
Upload the two files you may find in Place Folder from here
Sent to production
2Soldering the PCB
Populate the PCB with all the needed Components that you have not soldered yet.
Decide on your own what components you need and which Sensors you might want to add.
I Recommend:
Gyro+Air Sensor +BME680: https://de.aliexpress.com/item/4000322123598.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.251b4c4dayuLGZ
Audio Board : https://www.ebay.de/itm/393275719812
3Flash the software with the Arduino IDE
You may find a bunch of software here.
4Fit the RGB LEDS and the Logic Board inside the Housing
Now the Dremel fun begins.
Lets fit the Logic Board and the RGB LED Strip inside the housing.
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