
Proof of concept completed

A project log for 1-Bit ALU useing Open Loop Op-Amps

using the lm324n quad 1mhz op amp to build simple logic; which are then used to create a simple ALU

dave-collinsDave Collins 09/22/2021 at 03:150 Comments

I completed an initial proof of concept; which is a simple ALU.  The current proof of concept has 1 bug which is the carry / borrow big resolves; even if the MU (math unit) is not selected. This is due to the proof of concept resolving all of the functions and only outputting the selected function.   The next logical step is to create a control register which will allow only 1 function to output.   The ALU currently supports the following functions add with carry, subtract with borrow, AND, OR, and XOR (and their inverse values).
