
Foxie CardClock

A programmable, pixelated WiFi analog+digital clock the size of a credit card

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This is the Foxie CardClock, an open-source GPLv3, ESP8266-powered, WiFi-enabled, RTC-havin', super-capacitor havin', analog+digital, RGB LED-laden, clock.

In other words, it's really cool.

There are 2 rings of 12 LEDs at the top of the PCB, which are used as an analog clock displaying Hours, Minutes and Seconds. A 17x5 LED matrix also displays the time and allows for configuring settings. There's even a binary mode for the nerds among us.

A light sensor provides for a smooth experience in brighter and darker environments. Minimum and maximum brightness are also easily adjustable directly on the clock using the menu system.

The CardClock syncs NTP time once a minute from the WiFi connection. It also keeps track of time using the onboard Real-Time-Clock. Unplug your clock? No problem, the super-cap keeps the time for 2 days.

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