1Send gerber files to your favorite board house
The files are available from /hardware on the Github repo. You can also rebuild the files with Kicad.
2Build the project using assemble.sh
This will also try to burn the main ROM using Minipro. Dependencies: [CC65] (https://github.com/cc65/cc65), the Padauk IDE (working on replacing the PMS171b with 7400 logic) and a way to burn the ROM's.
If you don't like the movie reference, you can edit the welcome message in abn6502rom.s :) -
3Burn the ROMs and PMS171B
I use a TL866II Plus variant for the actual ROMs and the Padauk official programmer for the PMS171B.
4Source the IC's
The spirit of this project is to contribute as little as possible to the global IC shortage, use what you already have, and get used chips from Ebay/AliExpress/etc - the 7400 series chips are also very cheap and abundant from the typical asian sellers.
5Solder away!
Most components are DIP packages - the hardest to solder you run into are the 0603 bypass capacitors. I haven't tested how many you can get away with skipping - but probably most if you have a stable USB 5v power supply.
If you want to use my source code, it relies on Ben Eater's PS/2 -> Parallel interface. There's a diagram here: https://www.reddit.com/r/beneater/comments/mjeilv/keyboard_interface_diagram/
You now have a complete PC that will plug into a VGA monitor - you can read, write and execute 6502 assembly code without any help from a modern day computer.
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