
Full Demo of 4chord MIDI + Hookpad

A project log for Macropad 4chord MIDI

Compose with just four chords using Adafruit's Macropad

deckeregoDeckerEgo 05/21/2023 at 14:270 Comments

I'm going to start narrating my 4chord MIDI demos, starting with Hooktheory's Hookpad. It's an interesting webapp that's not necessarily a DAW but instead acts as a musical "sketchpad," where percussion & basslines are automagically added so you can focus on harmony and melody. You can export works as sheet music, lead sheets, or MIDI files - so it's a fantastic way to quickly build a song or a track before you perform it.

This demo shows how the autochord feature of the 4chord MIDI can really help with the "Creep" chord progression, since it is an atypical I / III / IV / iv progression.
