
Self-Created Metal Composites

the recipe how to create metal things better than ever

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The entire technique as such will change soon.

It will happen thanks to you. Anyone can use this new method, even in their own garage, for a few bucks, although its advantages are far greater than what today's big industry has.

If you've ever been curious what is coming after 3D printing, it's worth reading:

I will be very grateful for any comments, suggestions and your help!

If you want exquisite metal items, follow this recipe below ...

Start by dreaming up a beautiful thing.

Then take some carbon fibers or graphite fibers. Create whatever you want with it.

These magic fibers will be the geometric precursor to your item. They will also guarantee superb endurance.

That carbon thing's gonna be metal if you throw it in a plating bath. Now the miracles will begin! :)

  • 1
    Step 1
  • 2
    Step 2

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dekutree64 wrote 01/10/2022 at 20:26 point

Thank you! I will do my best to spread the word so this technique is not lost to history. I've been hoping you would reveal it since last year, but only just now found this page since you never updated the original metal bone project.

So it's not simply metal foam, but metal matrix carbon fiber. Very interesting, particularly since it provides a heat-tolerant alternative to epoxy matrix. Perhaps this is the solution Elon needed for his Starship, when carbon ended up needing so much heat shielding that it lost most of its weight advantage over steel.

Much work to be done measuring stiffness and strength and density to see how things made this way compare to solid aluminum and traditional carbon fiber with epoxy. I'd also like to see if I can include chunks of solid metal in the plating substrate to create areas for post-process machining. Not sure if they will bond strongly enough.

The biggest problem I can think of is galvanic corrosion. If the metal is abraded, revealing some carbon surfaces, it will likely start eating away at itself if there's much moisture in the air. Titanium would be less reactive with carbon, but seems difficult to electroplate from quick research. If it is an insurmountable problem, there are still options such as using metal wool as the fiber base. And of course keeping the object painted or periodically re-plating would help to retard the corrosion.

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dekutree64 wrote 06/28/2022 at 19:15 point

New idea! In addition to using the metal composites directly, it will also make an excellent core material for traditional epoxy carbon fiber. The metal will be fully encased so it can't corrode, and you will surely get the super strength of continuous carbon fiber, and will have great versatility in creating the core with complex geometry and variable density, including hollow spaces that you can't do with foam core since it would collapse under vacuum pressure.

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Navneet Agrawal wrote 10/17/2021 at 00:48 point

I understand most of the process, but it seems to me that the most difficult part is the outer casing to fill in the carbon fibres.

How did you get the green casing in the beginning?

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Krzysztof wrote 10/18/2021 at 10:35 point

It was 3d-printed on a resin printer. Casing is only for shape, you can make it from anything non-conductive. If you don't want to make casing, you could try making shapes from carbon-felt.

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Michał wrote 10/18/2021 at 20:17 point

It's the easiest part. You just print it (DLP printer). However, it's only one of a few ways.

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maxspeed11 wrote 10/07/2021 at 20:00 point

Ive been experimenting with same thing 6 months ago.

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Michał wrote 10/08/2021 at 03:43 point

Really? Please, show your work! I am very interested. Thank you!

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maxspeed11 wrote 10/08/2021 at 12:22 point

It failed, weak power supply. Definetly gonna try it in future after seing your results.

Did you removed coating from carbon fiber?

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Michał wrote 10/09/2021 at 15:48 point

What kind of coating?

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maxspeed11 wrote 10/09/2021 at 22:20 point

Usually thin layer of epoxy or polyester etc., the process is called sizing.

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Michał wrote 10/09/2021 at 22:29 point

Fibers from recycling (after pyrolysis) were clean but I had problems with a new roving.

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Krzysztof wrote 10/06/2021 at 13:21 point

Wow, I've thought you will never tell anybody how it's done. Nice results, thank you!

> In what area and how would you use this method? Thank you in advance for your help!

I'll try to make better heat exchangers for my heat engine.

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Michał wrote 10/06/2021 at 17:03 point

"I've thought you will never tell anybody how it's done."

Me too... ;)

Things like this don't happen often, and I can't get it all. However, from the beginning I was planning to release this information, it is too serious matter, it has to serve all people.

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