
4.1) The Boot

A project log for A2Z Computer

A computer invented, designed and built from scratch. Custom CPU on FPGA.

f4hdkf4hdk 11/18/2016 at 19:220 Comments

The bootloader is put in the boot ROM inside the FPGA. It is small enough for the 2kB of this ROM. The boot code is directly executed from this ROM.

At the start of the boot, the user has 2 options:

The serial port must be configured at 57600bds, without handshake/flow-control, and if possible 2 stop bits instead of 1. Warning : files must been sent in raw format, not ASCII format. Under Windows, I use the TeraTerm soft.

Remark : the bootloader is not simulated inside the emulator, because I didn’t want to emulate the serial port. Some of the functions of the emulator are directly coded in C, and take the same file format (bina/bine/binc) than the bootloader itself.

Bootloader protocol:

The bootloader protocol allows downloading content from a file in the PC, to the A2Z RAM. I use the same protocol for the bootloader, and for updating files in the OS. The protocol is simple and mono directional. I have not wired the TX part of serial port. There is no acknowledge mechanism, no repetition, no flow control, etc…

This protocol allows 2 actions:

There is a checksum mechanism for both actions, to detect data corruption.

The bine/bina/binc files contain not only the data to download, but also the commands with this protocol. These file can be direcly transferred, in a raw format, via the serial port.

Warning : the bine/bina/binc are therefore not raw binary files.
