
Completed PCB design, working on the enclosure

A project log for OpenAirMonitor

A solar-powered, outdoor air quality monitor that transmits data over LoRaWAN and Bluetooth LE

gerrit-niezenGerrit Niezen 10/15/2021 at 10:530 Comments

So what's the current state of the OpenAirMonitor? I've completed the hardware design and schematics, manufactured a rev 1 of the PCB with JLCPCB, and then made the following fixes:

I haven't yet ordered a rev 2, as it was easy enough to fix the rev 1 PCBs by replacing the LDO and putting a bodge wire to ground. I also found a way to use pins D9 and D10 on the MDBT42Q module by disabling NFC in the Espruino CLI:

setTimeout(function() { 
        while(!peek32(0x4001e400)); // enable flash writing
        while(!peek32(0x4001e400)); // NFC pins as GPIO
        poke32(0x4001e504, 0);while(!peek32(0x4001e400)); // disable flash writing
}, 1000);

 You can check if NFC is enabled on the Espruino module using:

peek32(0x1000120c).toString(16) == "fffffffe"

Right now I'm working on the enclosure design. You can download the OpenSCAD file from Files, but note that it's not quite yet ready for prime time. What still needs to be done:
