
New PCB installed and adjusted

A project log for MC-10 A/V mod Board

Use composite Video instead of RF in your Tandy Micro Color Computer

danjovicdanjovic 09/03/2022 at 17:152 Comments

Finally found some spare time to install and adjust the new board.

First thing I have noticed is that the height of the pin header spacers were not  enough to provide clearance for the P2 jack.

To workaround that I have removed the spacers from other pin headers and stacked them on the top of the existing ones

The remaining length of the pins was enough to pass through the board and solder them in place

After that there was clearance enough to insert the P2 plug.

Nevertheless I should design another board using the original P2 jack, and enhance the centering of the output jack.


The adjustments went normal, as with the other board. I have used a program to produce all possible colors on the screen

10 CLS 5
20 FOR F = 0 TO 255
30 PRINT  CHR$(F);


The resulting image is nice, just like with the previous version of the board (which is just like expected as the schematics are the same.


leaded solder wrote 09/03/2022 at 17:19 point

That looks great! Do you think you could get more height from using female connectors on the motherboard and then regular pin headers on the composite board?

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danjovic wrote 09/03/2022 at 17:31 point

Yeah, I think it is possible,  though in this case the board need to be upside down (components facing motherboard) to compensate for the height of the female pin headers.

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