
BLE Scan

This example configures the Ameba as a Bluetooth central device, uses the scan functionality to scan for other Bluetooth devices

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This example configures the Ameba as a Bluetooth central device, uses the scan functionality to scan for other Bluetooth devices, and prints out the results to the serial monitor.

Ameba RTL8722DM is a low-power dual-band WLAN and Bluetooth Low Energy SoC by Realtek. The RTL8722DM also include memory for Wi-Fi protocol functions and application making it simple for anyone to develop various kind of IoT applications. At the same time it has a wide range of peripheral interfaces. With all these interfaces, it can connect to most of the electronics components like LEDs, temperature and humidity sensors, and so on.

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  • 1 × RTL8722DM_MINI Microcontroller

  • 1

    Open the example, “Files” -> “Examples” -> “AmebaBLE” -> “BLEScan”

  • 2
    Final Result

    Upload the code and press the reset button on Ameba once the upload is finished.
    Open the Arduino serial monitor, and you should see the scan results of nearby Bluetooth devices formatted and printed out.

    If you have the Bluetooth app nRF Connect installed, you can also use it to send out Bluetooth advertisements for the Ameba to pick up.

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