
ESP32 and the non-standard Web Bluetooth API

A project log for Cyber Kamen

64 bits ought to be enough for anybody's face expression. (WS2812B, ESP32 and Web Bluetooth API)

likeabloblikeablob 01/29/2022 at 12:130 Comments
By wearing this, you can watch Harry Potter and 50% of the Sorcerer's Stone.

Instead of improving the duct-tape-made prototype-1, I started replacing a Digispark with ESP32 board to create some kind of Web-based controller. It's just because I'm interested in what can be achieved with Bluetooth Low Energy and Web Bluetooth.

Although I used the word "non-standard" in the title of this entry, connecting the ESP32 and (Chromium-based) browser was pretty straightforward, thanks to the well-made abstraction layers of the both "arduino-esp32/libraries/BLE" (which is based on the Bluedroid stack) and Web Bluetooth API.

I have not much to talk about as I have never seen any unstableness nor had to go deep into the stack or chromium/src.git. 
So here I'd like to  share references which are probably useful for someone interested in the similar setup. 
