
Arduino LAN-C Grip

Video rig grip with embed arduino to control sony camera

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Video rig grip with embed arduino to control sony dslr ( Alpha 7 ) build with multiport micro-usb

Goal : Build a video rig wood grip for Sony Alpha cameras build with multiport micro-usb (aka sony S2) using an arduino over LAN-C protocol.
Main Difficuties : Deal with Sony 15pin Multiport IO and LAN-C protocol. Power the arduino with the camera.

#1 stage :  Prototype connection between arduino and camera and get communication.

#2 stage : Add record button and Start/Stop commands on arduino.

#3 stage : Build the cable.

#4 stage : Build the wood grip.

#5 stage : Add record led indicator.

#6 stage : Add some more features ( TBD ).

#7 stage : Embed electronics in the grip.

#8 stage : Shoot movie.

  • 1 × Arduino XIAO-RP2040
  • 1 × Multiport Plug 15pin multiport micro-usb ( commonly named Sony S2 )
  • 1 × Cable USB type-c ( wires only )
  • 1 × Some Components To deal with protocol signal ( TBD )
  • 1 × Switch Micro tactile button

  • COMPONENTS : XIAO-RP2040 & Multiport 15pin USB

    kbdninja01/19/2022 at 14:51 0 comments

    Seeedstudio XIAO-RP2040 ( V1.0 ? ) - More than enought I/O and memory for this project. And can be used with Arduino C/C++ ( default ) or Python ( Micropython / CircuitPython ). Plus, it embeds two leds : 1 RGB pixel and 1 green smd.

    Multiport 15pins micro-usb ( aka Sony S2 ) - micro-usb "classic" 5 pins and ( not on the same raw in the plug ) 10 additional pins of the Sony Multi-terminal Protocol.

    This plug can be found on the Sony RM-VPR1. this remote have W/T zoom and movie record buttons and is fully compatible with my camera ( Sony ILCE-7M2 / " A7II " ). It's a good start.

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