
It's raining blobs!

A project log for Livestock and Pet Geofencing

An autonomous system that monitors animals within a zone.

jtJT 02/25/2022 at 06:160 Comments

After starting from scratch a second time, I finally have three blobs. Why three you might ask. Well, that is because I could not figure out which version of TensorFlow that Microsoft CameraTraps' MegaDetector was trained with. 

There are seven faster_RCNN transformations config files to use. I am not sure which version of TensorFlow was used so I am testing each one. The following is published on OpenVino's documentation.

faster_rcnn_support.json for Faster R-CNN topologies from the TF 1.X models zoo trained with TensorFlow* version up to 1.6.X inclusively
faster_rcnn_support_api_v1.7.json for Faster R-CNN topologies trained using the TensorFlow* Object Detection API version 1.7.0 up to 1.9.X inclusively
faster_rcnn_support_api_v1.10.json for Faster R-CNN topologies trained using the TensorFlow* Object Detection API version 1.10.0 up to 1.12.X inclusively
faster_rcnn_support_api_v1.13.json for Faster R-CNN topologies trained using the TensorFlow* Object Detection API version 1.13.X
faster_rcnn_support_api_v1.14.json for Faster R-CNN topologies trained using the TensorFlow* Object Detection API version 1.14.0 up to 1.14.X inclusively
faster_rcnn_support_api_v1.15.json for Faster R-CNN topologies trained using the TensorFlow* Object Detection API version 1.15.0 up to 2.0
faster_rcnn_support_api_v2.0.json for Faster R-CNN topologies trained using the TensorFlow* Object Detection API version 2.0 or higher

I successfully created blobs using faster_rcnn_support.json, faster_rcnn_support_api_v1.7.json, and faster_rcnn_support_api_v1.10.json. The rest were Incompatible.
