
#004 with old low-voltage Russian relays

A project log for Circuit Golf: Electronic Dice Edition

Creating Electronic Dice with the least number of components in the most obscure technologies

yann-guidon-ygdesYann Guidon / YGDES 02/10/2022 at 18:357 Comments

I know I know it's only a sim. For now. Because Falstad's CircuiJS is getting better at simulating relays and such. So bear (and raccoon) with me for a while, because it will be a snap to implement for real, right ? :-P

As usual I design this around the old RES-15 relays, SPDT, with the following parameters in circuitjs:

The 3ms is an approximation but it gives an idea of the speed that the circuit can reach.

The heart of the system is a 3-stage Johnson counter, made of 3 DFF which use hysteresis for latching. Each DFF has a SPDT capacitive temporary latch to separate each stage. That makes at least 10ms overall, 100Hz max.

You can even play at home online !

The clock though is a different beast. It must be fast enough but not too fast or the JC can't follow and will end in an invalid state.

But while seeking a suitable system, I managed to find an innovative (?) Power-On-Reset circuit !

It has some interesting features :

The oscillator is totally... unexpected. That's not what I wanted but it seems to work.

No, seriously, this thing is so weird. But it provides 2 outputs, one contact to 0V and one to 3V, so it can drive a buffer or something like that.

If you don't believe me, try by yourself.

So far : 10 relays for POR, JC3 and OSC.

Together, they work nicely, I added some nice touches to reset the clock as well for example, and run on 3V 400mA:

Try it !

I need an efficient decoder now.

It seems that directly connecting each stage of the JC3 to a pip gives the sequence 1-3-5-4-2-0 so we're almost there!

Try online

All I need is to get rid of the 0 state and output 6 instead, right ?

I'll update the log when I progress...


Tim wrote 02/15/2022 at 06:46 point

>All I need is to get rid of the 0 state and output 6 instead, right ?

I think yours should be equivalent to the "normal johnson counter" solution. In that case you only need two additional diodes. (or maybe you could get away with resistors)

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Yann Guidon / YGDES wrote 02/15/2022 at 07:00 point

I was reading it indeed :-D

You just forgot one little tiny optimisation that could save a few diodes, because you use LED and they don't light up when reverse biased, right ?

What happens when you directly connect a LED to the output (reversed or not) of a Johnson counter ? .... ;-)



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Tim wrote 02/15/2022 at 07:04 point

That's actually the case described by  LED = cx & ~cy

It's a bit abstract, but at least I could make sure not to miss anything.

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Tim wrote 02/11/2022 at 04:54 point

Whoa, nice! The relays look really mesmerizing in falstad.

The number of relays is also really low. I wonder whether there is any way to remove the temporary latch?

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Yann Guidon / YGDES wrote 02/15/2022 at 03:21 point

What do you mean by "temporary latch" ? The capacitor holding the charge during a half period ?

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Tim wrote 02/15/2022 at 06:44 point

Basically: Is it possible to do it with only one relay per stage?

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Yann Guidon / YGDES wrote 02/15/2022 at 06:52 point

@Tim AFAIK no. One enhancement would be to use a multipole relay, like QPDT.

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